OCEANOISE brings together international leading experts in noise measurement, modeling and mapping, physiological and behavioural effects as well as regulation and mitigation procedures. The strong opportunities for good interaction and tangible impacts after the conference make this an ideal occasion to showcase your research in the field of ocean noise as well as highlight priority topics to the international community and stakeholders.
OCEANOISE´s objective is to gather all interested parties, from industry to regulation, academia and NGO, around the same table, and provide a programme that is attractive for all relevant actors of the sea. A second objective, which actually conditions the possibility to present at OCEANOISE, requires authors to submit new results or developments to make sure everyone who attends OCEANOISE knows he/she will learn on the latest findings or ongoing studies that address the multiple aspects and scientific challenges around noise at sea.
This second objective is very exciting and at the same time demands a slight change in the paradigm of the way we see papers presented at conferences. At OCEANOISE, we want to hear progress, ideas, failures, results and if possible conclusions, but the most important aspect is to share all of them with a community at large that is endorsed with the responsibility to apply them worldwide for an environmentally sustainable exploration of the oceans.
This change in paradigm might take some time to settle, but we believe it might help to come back to the true essence of what scientific conferences were in the past: a forum of ideas and exchanges with little fear to have failed in an experiment or to be giving away ideas that others could exploit elsewhere.
OCEANOISE is structured around chaired sessions in which invited speakers address specific aspects of ocean noise issues. The programme also includes 5 minute-short talks and posters that go through an abstract submission process.
Another aspect directly associated to the just-mentioned innovation is that OCEANOISE constitutes a professional forum designed for a professional attendance. The session format directly focuses on ultimate results, thus leaving little room for non-experts, and probably surpassing the level of young students to immediately follow the debates. This also constitutes a deliberate choice of OCEANOISE.
The round table discussions are meant to identify gaps in knowledge and progress to be conducted to address these gaps in the future. The conclusions of the round table discussions, which include a series of not-yet-resolved questions, are published online. In addition to represent a unique way to monitor how a specific field is evolving along time, they should also be seen as a tool to influence and orientate funding agencies in their constant effort to launch calls for proposals that directly adopt the latest needs and requirements of the field. In that fundamental aspect of OCEANOISE, your expert participation is therefore key during these debates, because your input can certainly make a difference.
5 minute-talk + Poster Abstract Submission: 15 January – 15 March 2023 31 March 2023 (extended)