Monday 22 May
Christine Erbe, Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, The Effects of Ocean Noise—It sometimes seems we’re making slow progress?
Tuesday 23 May
John Potter, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Norway, We cannot manage what we cannot measure – Is DAS a game-changer in ocean soundscape mapping?
Wednesday 24 May
Nathan D. Merchant, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), UK, Underwater noise management in perspective
Session Name | Chairs | Invited Speakers |
Renewable Energy | – Sonia Mendes, JNCC, UK – Frank Thomsen, DHI Group, Denmark | – Jonas von Pein, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, How loud will it be? Scaling laws for offshore pile driving noise – Elisabeth Debusschere, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium The effects of piling on pelagic fish communities using bottom moored echosounders – Jonas Mortensen, DHI A/S, Denmark, A new methodology to manage and regulate construction noise related impacts of US offshore wind farms – Katherine Whyte, BIOSS, UK, Seals and offshore wind farm construction: synthesis and future directions – Frank Thomsen, DHI A/S, Denmark, Can offshore wind farm noise affect hearing and behaviour of marine mammals? – Adrian Farcas, CEFAS, UK, Atlantic Deepwater Ecosystem Observatory Network (ADEON), Potential effects of underwater noise from floating offshore wind on marine mammals and fishes |
Impulsive sounds | – Roberto Racca, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada – Stephen Robinson, NPL, UK – Klaus Lucke, JASCO Applied Sciences, UK | – Chiao-Ming Peng, OceanSound Co., Taiwan, Strategies and implementation of underwater noise monitoring during piling construction in offshore wind farms in Taiwan – Klaus Lucke, JASCO Applied Sciences, UK, Interpreting sound exposure ranges from concurrent pile driving operations – an agent-based modelling approach – Cormac Booth, SMRU Consulting, UK, RaDIN: Range-dependent nature of impulsive noise – Marie-Noël Matthews, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, Modelling the effectiveness of noise abatement systems for large pile driving and explosive clearing operations in the full context of the propagation environment – Sei-Him Cheong, National Physical Laboratory, UK, In-situ acoustic characterisation of unexploded ordnance (UXO) disposal using high and low order detonation method – Michael Bellmann, Institute for Technical and Applied Physics (itap), Germany, Environment-friendly blasting at sea (R&D project NAVESS) |
Mapping & Modelling | – Thomas Folegot, Quiet-Oceans, France – Kevin Heaney, Applied Ocean Sciences (AOS), USA | – Rosalyn Putland, CEFAS, UK, The Netherlands, Lessons learned from multi-site validation of shipping noise maps using field measurements – Kevin Heaney, Applied Ocean Sciences (AOS), USA, Quantitative Comparison of Regional Soundscape Measurements and Models – Ozkan Sertlek, JASCO Applied Sciences, Germany, Comparing soundmaps based upon their acoustic energy densities – Christ De Jong, TNO Acoustics & Sonar, The Netherlands, Sound particle motion modelling and mapping – Thomas Folegot, Quiet-Oceans, France, How much sound from recreational boating in Croatia is missing in Automated Identification System-based sound maps? – Dag Glebe, Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden, Simulations of the noise exposure from a high-density shipping lane in Kattegat with the JOMOPANS-ECHO source level model |
Sonar | – Frans-Peter Lam, TNO, The Netherlands | – Brandon Southall, Southall Environmental Associates, USA, BRS overview and historical perspective – Frans-Peter Lam, TNO, The Netherlands, The Sea mammals & Sonar Safety (3S) project: BRS results, current trends and future outlook – Sander von Benda-Beckmann, TNO, The Netherlands, Quantifying the environmental footprint of naval sonar operations |
Shipping | – Eric Baudin, Bureau Veritas, France – Christ de Jong, TNO, The Netherlands | – Roberto Yubero, TSI, Spain, URN measurements in the SATURN project; measuring vessel noise signature in deep and shallow waters under different measurement standards and class societies’ notations – Carl Andersson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden, Source measurement methods – the impact of averaging and directivity – Cedric Gervaise, CHORUS, France,MARS project: 2 years of feedback from an opportunistic ISO-17208 observatory of acoustic signatures and internal vibrations of ships in the St. Lawrence seaway – Myriam Lajaunie, Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine (SHOM), France, Methodological analysis for the identification and extraction of ocean shipping noise – Mathias Andersson, Swedish Defence Research Agency, Re-routing of a shipping lane changed the underwater soundscape in Kattegat – Tomaso Gaggero, University of Genova, Italy, Ship URN self-estimation in the context of LIFE-PIAQUO project – Renaud Gaudel, Damen Shipyard, The Netherlands, Underwater sound comparison between full electric and diesel electric conditions for a road ferry – Frans Hendrik Lafeber, Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) –, The Netherlands, How to silence ships: preliminary results from the SATURN project |
Soundscapes | – Christine Erbe, Curtin University, Australia – Brandon Southall, Southall Environmental Associates, USA | – Bruce Martin, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, A simple spectral classifier to provide robust indicators for the Ocean Sound EOV – Simone Bauman-Pickering, Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, USA, Sources of patterns in soundscapes – Clea Parcerisas, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) / Ghent University, Belgium, Using CNN classifiers as underwater sound source detectors: learning about noise – Rianna Burnham, Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, Implications of altered active space for marine life, and how that might be used as a mitigation metric – Marta Picciulin, CNR- Institute of Marine Sciences, Italy, Acoustic monitoring of the Northern Adriatic Sea, a transnational assessment run in the Mediterranean Sea |
Riverine & Coastal Habitats | – Chi-Fang Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan – Tomonari Akamatsu, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan | – Songhai Li, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Large-scale monitoring of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and finless porpoises using multiple static acoustic sensors – Shashidhar Siddagangaiah, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Impact of Pile-driving and Assessment of Offshore Windfarm Operational Noise on Fish Vocalization Behaviour – Matthew Pine, University of Victoria, Canada, Foiling yachts and dolphins: how international regattas temporarily change regional soundscapes, and the potential impacts for dolphins. – Chiao-Ming Peng, OceanSound CO., LTD.Taiwan, The impact of underwater noise generated by offshore wind farm construction on the ecology of cetaceans in the western waters of Taiwan – Tomonari Akamatsu, Ocean Policy Research Institute, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan, A guidance on measurement and evaluation methods for underwater sounds focusing on offshore windfarms |
Management & Policy | – Jill Lewandowski, BOEM, USA – Peter Sigray, KTH, Sweden | – Peter Sigray, KTH, Sweden, TG Noise Recommendations on EU threshold values for underwater noise – Michelle Sanders, Transport Canada, Canada, Update on Current Efforts to Address Underwater Vessel Noise at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) – Carina Juretzek, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Germany, Germany offshore wind pile driving noise received level limit – Jill Lewandowski, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), USA, Setting noise limits for offshore wind pile driving in the U.S. – Michelle Sanders, Transport Canada, Canada, Canada’s Efforts to Address Underwater Vessel Noise – Doug Nowacek, Duke University Marine Lab, USA, IUCN Working Group and Sakhalin Island Energy Projec |
Seismic | – David Hedgeland, BP, UK – Michael Jenkerson, ExxonMobil, USA | – Daniel Roy, APS, USA, The General Dynamics Applied Physical Sciences Marine Vibrator: A New Paradigm in Seismic Ensonification Options for Seismic Surveys – Ed Hager, Shearwater, UK, Marine Vibrators – Idea to Realisation – Brandon Southall, Southall Environmental Associates, USA Behavioral Response Studies with Baleen Whales and Marine Vibroseis – Vladimir Nechayuk, ExxonMobil, USA, Operational and Engineering Mitigation Options for Seismic Surveys – Roberto Racca, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, Monitoring and modelling approaches for estimating sound exposure of moving subjects from concurrent seismic surveys – Craig Stenton, Ocean Science consultants, UK, Characterisation of noise emitted by sub-bottom profilers and its potential effects on marine mammals |
Behaviour | – Ana Širović, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway – Katherine Whyte, BIOSS, UK | – Karen de Jong, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, Time to talk. A case for including behavioural complexity into management. – Brandon Southall, Southall Environmental Associates, USA, Behavioral responses of Cuvier’s beaked whales to simulated military sonar – Emily Waddell, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA, Effects of anthropogenic noise and natural soundscape on larval fish behavior in four estuarine species – Andrea Ravignani, Max Planck Institute, Germany, Noise-induced vocal plasticity in harbour seal pups – Laia Rojano-Doñate, Aarhus University, Denmark, Vessel noise exposure impacts harbour porpoise energy balance – Annebelle Kok, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Environmental influences on calling behaviour of midshipman fish |
Mitigation | – Bruce Martin, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada – Michael Macrander, Integral Consulting Company, USA | – Michael Macrander, Integral Consulting Company, USA Mitigation Measures as Means to Minimize the Effects of Ocean Noise: Considering the Full Range of Options – Laura Morse, USA, Mitigation and Monitoring for Offshore Wind: Industry Perspectives – Craig Ressor, Defence Research and Development, Canada, Marine Mammal Risk Mitigation Strategies for the Canadian Armed Forces – Sonia Mendes, JNCC, UK, Managing noise in a marine mammal protected area using area-time limits – Michelle Sanders, Transport Canada, Canada, Advancing vessel technologies to contribute to a quieter marine soundscape – Max Schuster, DW-ShipConsult GmbH, Germany, Cavitation Inception Speed of merchant ships: analysis and discussion based on data collected in the ECHO program – Charlotte Findlay, Aarhus University, Denmark Small reductions in cargo vessel speed dramatically reduce noise impacts to marine wildlife – Marie Noel Matthews, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, Vessel Noise Mitigation: A Focus On Achievable Noise Reduction – Brandon Southall, Southall Environmental Associates, USA, Strategic approaches to mitigation: Cross-sectoral partnerships to address priority issues |
Sensitivity and pathology | – Marta Solé, LAB – UPC, Spain – Michel André, LAB – UPC, Spain | – Katja Heubel, Research and Technology Centre West Coast, Kiel University, Germany, Sensitivity of zooplankton to noise: impaired feeding – Ryan Day, University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Physiological and behavioural effects of exposure to a commercial seismic survey on the pale octopus, Octopus pallidus – Pablo Pla, Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics, BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain, AquaVib: a laboratory setup for exposing aquatic organisms to low-frequency sounds. Preliminary results for various marine invertebrate species – Marta Picciulin, CNR – Institute of Marine Sciences, Italy, Stability between some and differences between others: which factors drive changes in calling rhythms in Sciaena umbra? A potential influence of boat noise. – Raquel Vasconcelos, University of Saint Joseph, China, Investigating Noise-Induced Physiological Stress, Hearing loss and Behavioral Disruption in Fish – Francis Juanes, University of Victoria, Canada, Assessing the effects of noise across spatial and temporal scales: from whales to diatoms – Ksenia Orekhova, University of Padova, Italy, A multimodal, evidence-based approach to assessing cetacean central auditory pathways in the context of acoustic trauma—the ventral cochlear nucleus as an example – Maria Morell, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany, Correlation between permanent noise-induced hearing loss and cochlear damage in a harbour seal – Steffen De Vreese, Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics, BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain, Investigating Sensitivity: A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Striped Dolphin’s External Ear Canal Neural Network |
Monday 22 May
Renewable Energy
– Ana Širović, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, PURE WIND: imPact of soUnd on maRine Ecosystems from offshore WIND energy generation.
– Kate McQueen, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, Monitoring the effects of Norway’s first offshore floating wind farm on demersal fish.
– Michael Stocker, Ocean Conservation Research, USA, Potential biological impacts of infrasonic acoustical energy produced by offshore wind turbine energy generation.
– Torbjörn Johansson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden, Noise radiation measurements of an electric-hybrid passenger ferry.
Mapping & Modelling
– Alice Affatati, University of Trieste and National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS, Italy, On the use of an underwater sound speed dataset to bridge the gap between ocean acoustics and climate change.
– Kevin Heaney, Applied Ocean Sciences, Examining the global warming induced changes to the Arctic Ocean soundscape.
Tuesday 23 May – Morning session 10h45-11h
– Kamal Kesour, Innovation maritime, Canada, Estimation of propeller cavitation inception speed and detection of its occurrence based on onboard vibration data.
– Luca Possenti, NIOZ, The Netherlands, The contribution of climate change on the propagation of shipping noise in the North Atlantic Ocean.
– Mikael Svedendahl, Department of Defence Technology, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Sweden, Evaluation of the JOMOPANS-ECHO source level model with measurements in Swedish waters.
Tuesday 23 May – Afternoon session 17h-18h
– Olivia Marín-Delgado, BIOECOMAC, University of La Laguna, Spain, Assessing the Impact of Ship Traffic Noise on Short-Fin Pilot Whales in South Tenerife: Implications for Conservation and Management.
– Roee Diamant, University of Haifa, Israel, Evidence of Impacts of Underwater radiated noise on the Vocalization of Coastal Dolphins.
– Sungho Cho, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Korea, A study on the temporal variability of underwater noise with AIS and V-pass data around high ship density in Korea coastal waters Soundscapes.
– Attila Aradi, University of Miskolc, Hungary, Analysis of hydrophone sound recordings in a dolphin habitat with high exposure to recreational shipping noise, monitoring, classification of sounds using deep learning CNN artificial neural network, analysis of dolphin sounds in noisy environments with special focus on modulations.
– Clemency White, University of Exeter, UK, Soundscape of an Urban Shark Nursery.
– Ellen White, University of Southampton, UK, Variation in soundscape characteristics across temporal and spatial scales of a shallow water coastal PAM array; Exploring marine soundscapes as a tool for automating sound source detection in large datasets.
– Rosa Ma Alsina-Pagès, La Salle (URL), Spain, Deuteronoise: A first approach to noise characterisation in Venice and Adriatic basins.
Particle motion
– Leroy Morton, Loughborough University, UK, Particle velocity measurements of low order deflagration shaped charge for explosive ordnance disposal.
– Robert Lee, Seiche, UK, Measurement of Acoustic Particle Motion: Acoustic Impact on Fish and Invertebrates.
Wednesday 24 May.
Management and Policy
– Eduardo Marcon, PETROBRAS – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A., Brazil, Cetaceans and underwater noise monitoring in the South Atlantic Ocean.
– Lindy Weilgart, OceanCare & Dalhousie University, Canada, Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Environmental Practise (BET) for Mitigating Three Noise Sources: Shipping, Seismic Airgun Surveys, and Pile Driving.
– Lisa Mogensen, JNCC, UK, The Offshore Wind Environmental Evidence Register (OWEER): a new tool for cataloguing and assessing key evidence gaps in environmental research in offshore wind.
– Pey-Yi Lee, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, Piling noise and cetacean protection in offshore wind farm development.
– Emilie Hernes Vereide, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, A lot of pressure? The copepod Acartia sp. is more sensitive to a rapid pressure drop that occurs close to seismic airguns than Calanus sp.
– Lise Doksaeter Sivle, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, Comparing the effects of novel marine vibrator technology to conventional airguns on the behaviour of wild, spawning cod.
– Saskia Kühn, Kiel University, Germany, Zooplankton swimming behavior during real-life seismic survey airgun blasts.
– Steve Kirkman, Department of Forestry Fisheries and Environment, South Africa, Assessing effects of seismic surveys on marine life in South African waters.
– Annika Heimrich, University of Victoria, Canada, A year within the Arctic marine soundscape near Cambridge Bay, Nunavut important gateway for ship traffic passing through the Northwest Passage.
Thursday 25 May
– Andreia Ramos, University of Saint Joseph, China, Testing the impact of antropogenic noise on behavior, reproduction and transgenerational effects in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma).
– Patricia Arranz, University of La Laguna, Spain, Decreased resting and nursing in short-finned pilot whales when exposed to louder petrol engine noise of a hybrid whale watch vessel.
– José Antonio Díaz, PLOCAN, Spain, The SATURN Virtual Research Environment Tools for Noise Mitigation.
Sensitivity and Pathology
– Eva Rodríguez Quintana, Departament de Genètica, Microbiologia i Estadística, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, The Noisesome: a transcriptomic approach of the DeuteroNoise JPI-Oceans consortium to understand how marine food webs are affected by noise contamination.
– Maarten Boersma, Alfred-Wegener-Insititut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Germany, ORCHESTRA: Ecosystem responses to constant offshore sound spectra.